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Aerodyne’s mobile laboratory(ies) and instruments have participated in numerous field campaigns focusing on a great variety of scientific areas. The fast-response online measurement methods aboard the mobile laboratory enables us to map spatial gradients of emitted pollutants. Tracer release methodology is used to quantify emissions at industrial facilities. These studies rely on releasing small quantities of one or more tracer gases like nitrous oxide (N2O), acetylene (C2H2) or ethane (C2H6) at or near to a facility. The tracer gases co-disperse with any site emissions like methane (CH4), and are measured downwind by the mobile laboratory. The tracer release method allows for accurate and complete facility-scale emission quantification, with typical uncertainties better than 50%.
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Detailed Specs
The mobile laboratory can be operated in “survey mode” for real-time detection and source identification of equipment leaks. Research and commercial instruments are installed into the Mobile Laboratory to collect data while in motion for plume characterization, area mapping or portable deployment for photochemistry and transport experiments.
The Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory has a suite of instrumentation that changes depending on the requirements of the measurement campaign.
TILDAS Laser Trace Gas Monitors
Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
CAPS NO2 Monitor
CAPS PMex Monitor
VOCUS Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometer
GPS position and GPS compass
2D or 3D anemometers
Commercial systems for measuring NOx, NO
Research-grade instrumentation is often integrated into the mobile laboratory by project collaborators:
Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
Ethane CHemical AMPlifier (ECHAMP)
And the Mobile Laboratory has been host to numerous research and commercial instruments from collaborators.