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Mobile monitoring is an extremely useful tool for near-source air quality characterization. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a major atmospheric pollutant which is produced from a variety of anthropogenic sources, notably vehicular emissions. Nitrogen oxides (NOX = Nitric oxide (NO) + NO2) are emitted from motor vehicles in large quantities in urban areas. The Aerodyne Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) monitor is an optical absorption monitor operating at 450 nm where NO2 absorbs light in a highly specific manner. The monitor can measure ppb levels and has a faster than normal response time of < 1 second. The instrument is able to reliably and quantitatively measure both large and small fluctuations in the ambient nitrogen dioxide concentration. Unlike standard chemiluminescence-based monitors, these instruments require no conversion of NO2 to another species and thus are not sensitive to other nitro-containing species. Levels of detection (3σ noise levels) of less than 100 parts per trillion with a 10 second sampling period can readily be attained; a fast response version which offers 1 second time response at reduced levels of detection (1ppb) is also available. These instruments offer completely linear response at concentrations up to several parts-per-million of NO2; this limitation at high concentrations is purely one of optical opacity.
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Detailed Specs
Sensitivity (S/N = 3):
Ambient Monitoring: < 0.1pppb (10s)
Fast Response Version: < 1.5pppb (1s) (No Dryer)
Response Time(10-90%):
Ambient Monitoring: 8s
Fast Response Monitor: 1s
Sample Flow:
Ambient monitor 0.85 lpm 4
Fast response monitor: 1.25 lpm
Operating Pressure: Ambient
Materials Exposed to Analyte: Stainless Steel, PFA and Nafion
Data Output: RS-232 (Data acquisition and instrument control software provided), On-Board Data Storage (6 GB)- Download through USB Port, Front Panel Display
Size/ Weight: Rack mount, 61x43x23cm, 12kg
Electric Power: 100W; 100-250 VAC (50-60Hz)
Direct measurement of analyte – no chemical conversion required.
Insensitive to presence of varying levels of nitric oxide, aerosols, humidity and other trace atmospheric species.
Essentially interference-free.
Linear Response (0-3000 ppbv).
Minimal maintenance (periodic change of particle filter).
No Toxic Gas Emissions.